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The CCYSC Blog Theme for July-Aug 2020: Childhood/Youth as sites of political action & polarisation

Updated: Jul 26, 2020

In a world that is increasingly polarized, what are the sites in which children and youth learn about social, cultural, economic and political difference?  How do these various sites influence how children and youth understand and negotiate these differences? How do these various sites shape their identities and responses, whether it is that of conformity, resistance or the various responses in the spectrum between them? What are the sites where children and youth might enact their politics? These are just some of the questions that we hope will be explored in the blog posts in the coming month. We invite contributions that explore the sites of the family, school, playground, social media, and so on,  that children and youth might occupy, which contribute to the formation of their understanding and opinions around difference. Contributions may be in the forms of short opinion pieces, field jottings, biographical and autobiographical commentaries, visual essays, up to 1500-1800 words, based on your research, work and observations on childhood and youth in South Asia. We particularly welcome participation by graduate students and their reflections on the theme of politicisation, polarisation and resistance.

Please write to in case of any query.

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