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Schools Matter: Migrant Children’s Varied Educational Experiences in Suburban Long Island Schools

In the tenth installment of our blog series on 'Childhood and Migration,' our member Sandra Castro (Adelphi University, US) discusses the vital role of schools and mothers in the academic success and integration of Central American immigrant children living in Long Island, New York.

July 31, 2024

In suburban Long Island, New York, immigrant children in transnational families from Central America undergo complex processes of family reunification and social adjustment upon reuniting with their mothers, new siblings, and stepparents after extended periods of separation. These experiences are intricately interwoven with the local community and, predominantly, the educational institutions they engage with, which play pivotal roles in shaping their integration and overall well-being.

Moreover, the context of reception significantly shapes school access to crucial resources and services. Nassau County, Long Island, a suburb of New York City, is marred by high levels of segregation, reflecting Long Island's history of racial inequities and discriminatory practices. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, of Nassau County’s 1.38 million residents in 2022, 57 percent were non-Hispanic whites, 18 percent Hispanic, 13 percent Black, and 12 percent Asian. The median household income was $127,000 but varied by town. With wealthier towns like Sands Point in Nassau County with predominantly non-white Hispanic and Asian population having a median income of $250,000 and lower-income towns like Hempstead, with a predominantly Black and Hispanic population. with a median income of $74,000. 

In my qualitative study examining the experiences of separation and reunification of twenty-five transnational Central American mothers and their children, I found that the educational context played a role in their children’s academic success or shortcomings, community integration, adaption, and overall sense of fulfillment. An additional discovery was that the schools themselves exhibited considerable variability. Some children attended schools with high dropout rates, overcrowded classrooms, teacher turnover, lack of teacher diversity and incidents of violence, underscoring the inadequacies within the educational system. Other schools  exhibited concerted efforts to support migrant children. By employing bilingual staff, implementing orientation programs, and ensuring appropriate placement of students, these schools created conducive learning environments for their success.  

Mothers played a central role in facilitating their children's integration into new communities and schools as well. Despite demanding work schedules, these mothers exhibited unwavering commitment by engaging in enrolling their children in school programs, coordinating with school staff to secure interpreters, compiling residency paperwork, and seeking support from family members. However, despite their tireless efforts, their children often harbored feelings of resentment toward their mothers for what they perceived as inadequate preparation for the challenges encountered in their new school environments.

In summary, the educational experiences of migrant children in suburban Long Island schools are intricate and multifaceted. The processes of family reunification and social integration are directly connected to the support systems provided by the local community, educational institutions and their families, in particular their mothers. Gendered disparities in institutional support, coupled with historical racial inequities and discriminatory practices, further exacerbate the challenges faced by migrant students. However, collaborative efforts between families, communities, and schools are instrumental in fostering the well-being and academic success of migrant children in Long Island schools.

Sandra Castro

Adelphi University

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